Breaking from Tradition Historically, the disciplines of safety and security have often been isolated from one another, including separate regulation, practitioners, and documentation. Nuclear safety ...
In the ASEAN region, changes in medical imaging are experiencing two (2) key drivers: The transition from film-based imaging to filmless imaging (computed radiography/direct radiography), and The ...
The electronic safety case concept has been around for a long time but has struggled to gain widespread traction, perhaps because of its perceived complexity and the implied need for bespoke ...
Projects in the energy industry often involve the design and build of complex facilities, necessitating upfront capital investment and ongoing operational expenditure. Decisions made during design ...
Fatigue is a major issue for organisations with shift working patterns, especially those with long or irregular hours. Where facilities operate 24/7, extended wakefulness, inadequate sleep and night ...
Organisations create value by taking risks and lose value by failing to manage them. Effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is about ensuring that the organisation knows what risks it is taking, ...
Talking about Risk Management in regards to product manufacturing is a lot like going to the dentist: it’s something you need to do, but no one claims it as a “favorite” activity. There are two ways ...