TÜV Rheinland Blog - Insights from Asia and Africa

Fenomena Dust Explosion Di Industri

Posted by TUV Rheinland on Feb 24, 2022 10:00:00 AM
TUV Rheinland

ID22_A01_LFC_BLDust explosion (DE - ledakan debu) dapat terjadi ketika partikel bahan padat tersebar di udara lalu membentuk dust cloud (gumpalan awan debu-udara dengan konsentrasi campuran tertentu) dan terdapat sumber percikan energi yang cukup (Eckhoff, 2009). Umumnya, sebagian besar praktisi industri telah familiar dengan konsep dasar ledakan gas dan terjadinya api, namun sayangnya masih banyak yang belum memahami bagaimana proses terjadinya ledakan debu.


Sebagai ilustrasi, kita sudah memahami bahwa dari kehidupan sehari-hari kayu gelondongan mampu terbakar jika ada sumber penyalaan yang efektif dan oksigen yang cukup. Akan tetapi dengan ukuran bahan kayu gelondongan tersebut tidak menyebabkan risiko ledakan. Situasinya berbeda dengan debu kayu yang tersebar di udara pada volume tertentu, misal pada bejana atau pipa tertutup. Permukaan partikel debu halus mampu menyerap oksigen lebih banyak pada permukaannya dari kayu gelondongan. Semakin kecil diameter partikel debu, semakin luas luasan yang dimiliki partikel tersebut sehingga semakin tinggi potensi sebagai pemicu ledakan debu.


Pengalaman dari berbagai rententan sejarah kecelakaan industri (accident histories) menunjukkan bahwa kebakaran dan ledakan akibat DE dapat terjadi di mana debu yang mudah terbakar dibiarkan begitu saja atau ditangani tanpa pemahaman dan kesadaran yang baik adanya potensi bahaya di sekitarnya (Eckhoff, 2009). Kecelakaan akibat DE pada kurun waktu 1785 – 2000 tercatat lebih dari 2000 ledakan hebat di industri (Yuan et al., 2015).


Konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan dari ledakan debu seringkali serupa dengan yang timbul dari ledakan gas dalam hal dampak pada manusia, kerugian aset fisik, dan image produksi dan bisnis.


Mengacu accident histories (catatan kecelakan industri) yang ada, unit dan alat industri yang berpotensi tinggi terjadi ledakan akibat DE dikategorikan menjadi silos/bunkers, dust collecting systems, milling dan crushing unit, conveying systems, dryer, furnace, mixing unit, grinding dan polishing unit (Yuan et al., 2015). Berdasar konsep DE, unit-unit dan alat-alat ini berpotensi tinggi karena adanya partikel halus, cukupnya energi lecutan dan terbentuknya dust cloud (sebaran partikel halus). Karenanya, pada industri yang menggunakan unit dan alat-alat ini perhatian dan kesadaran terjadinya DE perlu ditingkatkan dan disosialisasi ke semua level manajemen dan karyawan.


Cara utama untuk mengendalikan dan meminimalkan potensi bahaya ledakan debu adalah mengkaji lebih dalam, mengamati regulasi yang ada dan memberikan wawasan yang relevan. Untuk mencapai ini, pengetahuan khusus harus dihasilkan dan disebarluaskan untuk kepentingan semua orang yang berkepentingan. Seluruh karyawan, utamanya pihak manajemen perusahaan, perlu memahami dan memiliki kesadaran adanya potensi risiko ledakan debu di lingkungan perusahaan, utamanya pada unit-unit produksi yang bersiko terjadinya ledakan.


Selanjutnya, jika telah disadari adanya potensi risiko ledakan akibat partikel debu halus yang dihasilkan selama mengolah bahan baku dan mengoperasikan alat, maka manajemen perlu melakukan penilaian besaran risiko dengan rinci dan selanjutnya membuat dokumen perlindungan ledakan (explosion protection) sebagai bagian dokumen penunjuang keamanan proses (process safety) dari perusahaan.


Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang fenomena terjadinya ledakan debu, peraturan umum berikut perlu menjadi landasan perusahan dalam pengendalian ledakan debu:

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (National Fire Protection Association, 2013)

  • NFPA 652 untuk chemical, wood processing, metals, and agricultural industries
  • NFPA 654, Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids
  • NFPA 664, Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities


Verein der Deutsche Ingenieure (Asosiasi Insinyur Jerman) (Verein der Deutsche Ingenieure, 2017a)

  • VDI – 2263
  • VDI 2263 Blatt 7.1 - Staubbbrände und Staubexplosinen (Kebakaran dan Ledakan Debu)
  • VDI 2263 Blatt 6 : Staubbrände und Staubexplosion - Gefahren - Beurteilung - Schutzmaßnahmen an Enstaubungsanlagen (Kebakaran dan Ledakan Debu, Hazard, Analisis dan Proteksi di Instalasi Pengolah Debu)


Buku referensi utama yang bisa dijadikan panduan:

  • Dust Explosions in the Process Industries, 3rd ed. Gulf Profes- sional Publishing/Elsevier; Boston, 2003 (Eckhoff, 2013).
  • Handbook od Explosion Prevention and Protection (Hatttwig and Steen, 2004)


Author : Dr.-Ing. Suhendra (Life Care TUV Rheinland Indonesia)
Konsultasikan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) anda bersama kami, hubungi: Hendra.Hendra@tuv.com


Dust Explosion Phenomenon in the Industry 

Dust explosions can occur when solid material particles are scattered in the air and form a dust cloud (a cloud of dust-air clouds with a certain concentration of mixture) and there is a sufficient source of energy spark (Eckhoff, 2009). Generally, most industry practitioners are familiar with the basic concepts of gas explosions and the occurrence of fire, but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand how the process of dust explosion occurs.


As an illustration, we already understand that from everyday life logs are able to burn if there is an effective source of ignition and sufficient oxygen. However, with the size of the log material does not cause the risk of explosion. The situation is different from wood dust scattered in the air at a certain volume, for example on vessels or closed pipes. The surface of fine dust particles is able to absorb more oxygen on its surface than logs. The smaller the diameter of the dust particles, the wider the area of the particles so that the higher the potential as a trigger for dust explosions.


Experience from various historical rentals of industrial accidents (accident histories) shows that fires and explosions due to ED can occur where flammable dust is left unchecked or handled without proper understanding and awareness of the potential dangers around it (Eckhoff, 2009). Accidents due to ED in the period 1785 - 2000 recorded more than 2000 severe explosions in the industry (Yuan et al., 2015).


The consequences of a dust explosion are often similar to those arising from a gas explosion in terms of impacts on humans, loss of physical assets, and image of production and business.


Referring to existing accident histories, high-potential industrial units and tools that have high potential explosions due to DE categorized into silos / bunkers, dust collecting systems, milling and crushing units, conveying systems, dryers, furnaces, mixing units, grinding and polishing units (Yuan et al., 2015). Based on the concept of ED, these units and tools are high potential because of the presence of fine particles, sufficient disarming energy and the formation of dust clouds (distribution of fine particles). Therefore, in industries that use these units and tools the attention and awareness of the occurrence of ED needs to be increased and socialized to all levels of management and employees.


The main way to control and minimize the potential dangers of dust explosions is to delve deeper, observe existing regulations and provide relevant insights. To achieve this, specialized knowledge must be generated and disseminated for the benefit of all interested persons. All employees, especially the company's management, need to understand and have awareness of the potential risks of dust explosions in the company environment, especially in production units that are at risk of explosions.


Furthermore, if there has been realized the potential risk of explosion due to fine dust particles produced during processing and operating the tool, then management needs to assess the amount of risk in detail and further create an explosion protection document as part of the company's process safety document.


To improve understanding of the phenomenon of dust explosions, the following general regulations need to be the company's foundation in the control of dust explosions:

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (National Fire Protection Association, 2013)

  • NFPA 652 untuk chemical, wood processing, metals, and agricultural industries
  • NFPA 654, Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids
  • NFPA 664, Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities


Verein der Deutsche Ingenieure (German Association of Engineers) (Verein der Deutsche Ingenieure, 2017a)

  • VDI – 2263
  • VDI 2263 Blatt 7.1 - Staubbbrände und Staubexplosinen (Kebakaran dan Ledakan Debu)
  • VDI 2263 Blatt 6 : Staubbrände und Staubexplosion - Gefahren - Beurteilung - Schutzmaßnahmen an Enstaubungsanlagen (Fire and Explosion of Dust, Hazard, Analysis and Protection in Dust Processing Installations)


The main reference books that can be used as a guide:

  • Dust Explosions in the Process Industries, 3rd ed. Gulf Profes- sional Publishing/Elsevier; Boston, 2003 (Eckhoff, 2013).
  • Handbook od Explosion Prevention and Protection (Hatttwig and Steen, 2004)


Author : Dr.-Ing. Suhendra (Life Care TUV Rheinland Indonesia)
Consult your Occupational Safety and Health (K3) with us, contact: Hendra.Hendra@tuv.com