TÜV Rheinland Blog - Insights from Asia and Africa

TÜV Rheinland Vietnam continues to strengthen position in textile and garment industry with WRAP accreditation

Posted by TÜV Rheinland Việt Nam on Aug 8, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) program is one of the world’s most recognized independent certification for the textile, apparel, garment, footwear and sewn products industry. The program monitors and Voluntary WRAP certification distinguishes manufacturers of all sizes aiming to successfully export products particularly to the United States.

Having WRAP accreditation undoubtedly strengthen TÜV Rheinland Vietnam’s position in the Vietnam textile and garment industry and supports Vietnam as one of the leading textiles exporting countries in general. “TÜV Rheinland Vietnam has built competency and trust in social compliance audit in the past few years. The recently obtained WRAP accreditation has complemented our social audit services portfolio, and we can now offer one stop solution to your audit needs.” said Mr. Juan Maties Garcia, Regional Business Field Manager of Customized Services of TÜV Rheinland for Asia Pacific & India Middle East and Africa (IMEA).

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The foundation of WRAP principles is based on an internationally accepted workplace standards, local laws, and workplace regulations. These include human resources management, health and safety, environmental practices, legal compliance, as well as import/export customs compliance and security standards. 

Attaining WRAP certification sets your business apart as a dependable and trustworthy industry partner. Through our accredited auditing services, we assist you in enhancing your corporate image, boosting competitiveness, and ensuring successful import/export acceptance with WRAP certification. By aligning your goods with WRAP's ethical manufacturing standards of excellence, recognized by industry partners and consumers alike, you can also increase profits.

Having an in-depth understanding of local labor, workplace safety, environmental laws, and regulation with high sensitivity to cultural and traditional differences, our accredited experts provide value-added audit to your company for efficient and safe long-term solutions. TÜV Rheinland Vietnam is the right partner for companies in the textile and garment industry for independent audits which ensure the facility fulfills requirements according to WRAP principles and achieve successful WRAP Certification.

Topics: WRAP